There are true masterpieces on the auction: «Girl with a book» by Taras Gaponenko and «Bugler» by Evsei Moiseenko. List of artists with the biggest number of works presented on the auction includes Alexander Alkhovsky with romantic and lively city landscapes, Gennady Myznikov with Russian beauties and baths and Taras Gaponenko whose military painting was called «making cry» by Vladimir Putin last year. Other rare works of socialist realism and Russian school of painting with landscapes, domestic and industrial scenes are presented on the auction.
Separate part is dedicated to ideоlogical works, usual for socialist realism. One of the most eye-catching works is «Lenin in the village» by Kim Britov and Anatoly Shatalov which unites traditional image of «Ilich» with the unique colour solution which is a characteristic of Britov's landscape approach. Other works are the portraits of people of the Soviet epoch (michurintsy, spinner, schoolgirl) by the academician Fedor Reshetnikov, participant of the expeditions on the icebreakers «Sibiryakov», «Cheluskin». He is also the author of the paradigmatic painting «Low marks again».
The theme of childhood also appears in graphic works of 1940s-1950s by Olga Deineko. Painting «Autumn time» by Vladimir Dianov reminds about the spirit of freedom and the play «Duck hunting» by Alexander Vampilov. Classical ballet will be presented in a new way in the works of Boris Uspensky. Paintings of G.G. Nisskii, G.A. Sysolyatin, A.P. Bubnov, A.S. and K.A. Papikians, V.V. Scherbakov, V.P. Krantz, V.N. Yakovlev, V.Y. Knyazev, D.A. Nalbandian, I.S. Sorokin, E.A. Rastorguev and other remarkable authors can be found on the auction. Altogether: around 90 items.
Aims of the auction are philanthropic. In advance of this auction Arts Square Gallery donated some paintings to charitable foundations «Line of life» and «Children – butterflies» on behalf of Mikhail Grigorevich Sasonko.